People have crises.
Berlin offers a crisis service.
The Berlin Crisis Service helps those affected, their relatives
and others involved quickly, professionally and, if desired, anonymously in psychosocial crises up to and including acute mental and psychiatric emergencies.
Free of charge.
Around the clock.
365 days a year.
In 6 regions and 9 Berlin locations - and in your area.
By phone, in person, in acute situations on site and at agreed times online.
Your counseling centers in Berlin
Select the counseling center that is most suitable for you on our interactive map.
What is the Berlin Crisis Service?
Anyone can find themselves in an acute mental emergency. There are many reasons for this: Fears, depression, acute addiction problems, a separation, mourning for someone close, questions about the meaning of life, the feeling of being overwhelmed, conflicts, traumatic experiences, physical and psychological boundary violations, mental illness, suicidal thoughts, and/or a physical or mental disability, to name a few. You can also find more information about the work of the Crisis Service at
.The consulting team consists of multi-professional employees from the Berliner Krisendienst for the respective region.
Online counselling includes video counselling.
An appointment for a video consultation is booked via a list of appointments. You will receive an appointment confirmation. The video consultation takes place on the agreed date.
Yes, you don’t have to provide any information.You register on our platform with a self-chosen user name (nickname) and a password known only to you. The account is therefore doubly secured and the access data is only known to you. The consultants will receive your request, but no further information about you.
You may delete your user account at any time without giving reasons.
All crisis service offers, including online advice, are free of charge. Our team of specialists is subject to confidentiality (§ 203 German Penal Code, StGB). Your data is secured according to the guidelines of the GDPR. Further details can be found in our privacy policy.
Depending on the life situation, a consultation may be appropriate online, by phone or in person. The Berlin Crisis Service has 9 counselling centres in the city, which you can also use for personal or telephone counselling. Access is also free of charge and without an appointment. The contact details and the specific opening hours can be found at:
In cases of acute danger to self or others and due the fact that it is a time-delayed format, online counselling is not sufficient. Please contact us directly in acute emergency situations or come to the clinic, or call the fire brigade (112) or the police (110).
A new password and the user name can only be requested if an email address has been saved at the time of registration.